
by sloPVportal


9.99 usd

PVdesign is a solar irradiation and PV systems energy yield simulation software for any location in Slovenia and Europe. It is based on average monthly irradiation and temperature data from ERA5 (2010-2020) or Slovenian databases (ARSO and Solar irradiation in Slovenia 1990-2000). PVgis database is used for the simulated horizon profile and elevation data at the selected location. The time series is calulated at UTC+1 (CET without DST changes). The spatial resolution of the ERA5 database is around 9 km while the Slovenian database uses 1 km spatial resolution. More on http://pv.fe.uni-lj.si/en/tools/pvdesign Privacy The app uses camera, internet connection and GPS to determine the location. The location data can be saved in the project folder of the app. The data is not distributed or used for any other purposes than program simulations. They are automatically deleted when the app is uninstalled.